San Diego Seals Scored 800 Gallons of Milk for the San Diego Food Bank!
September 21, 2023
Hollandia Dairy and the San Diego Seals visited our Miramar location early on the morning of September 14 to make their annual “Gallons for Goals” donation. Hollandia Dairy made a commitment to donate 6 gallons per every goal the San Diego Seals made at home games during their 2022-2023 professional lacrosse season. The San Diego Seals scored a total of 124 goals during the season and Hollandia Dairy was gracious enough to round up their donation to 800 gallons of milk to help nourish local families and San Diegans in need!

Vanessa Ruiz, Vice President of Operations at the San Diego Food Bank said, “Having milk here for our families is extremely important. We don't get enough dairy donations here at the Food Bank. It is perishable, it's healthy… it's exactly what our families are looking for.”The teams from Hollandia Dairy and the San Diego Seals greeted San Diego Food Bank staff to present this incredible donation. This included Patrick Schallberger, CEO of Hollandia Dairy, and San Diego Seals lacrosse players, Wesley Berg and Jake Govett, followed by their spunky team mascot, Salty the Seal!

Our staff partnered with both teams to help unload the milk from the truck into our warehouse to have it ready to go out to families in need through our network of 544 nonprofit partner agencies, as well as delivering some to our own Client Choice Pantry at our Vista location. This pantry allows those who are seeking food assistance to make an appointment to visit and choose the food they need for themselves and their families.
Patrick Schallberger, Hollandia Dairy CEO, said “We love people being active, that's what we want to promote, kids getting active and getting nutrition to families in need.”

Within an hour of the San Diego Seals and Hollandia Dairy teams leaving our warehouse, a couple of our nonprofit partner agencies picked up some of the milk jugs to take back to their respective distribution sites to give them out to those in need in the community. Clearly, milk is a product that is both high in value and demand and we are so happy to once again continue our partnership with Hollandia Dairy and the San Diego Seals to make sure San Diegans have access to high-quality and nutritious foods.
Help us continue to nourish our neighbors in need by cheering for the San Diego Seals at their first home game of the new season on Saturday, December 9, and let’s get more Gallons for Goals in 2024!