Become a Food Bank Nonprofit Partner

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank. The Food Bank welcomes all qualified nonprofits with community food programs to become a part of our network. Our partners receive food from the Food Bank to support the feeding programs they operate in their communities. Our members include food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, low-income daycare centers, senior centers, substance abuse rehabilitation programs, and disability programs within San Diego County.

Become a Partner Charity

To become a partner member of the Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank’s Food To Nonprofits Program, your program must meet the following criteria:

  • Have 501(c)(3) Federal non-profit tax-exempt status or operate under a parent/umbrella organization with a 501(c)(3). The Food Bank provides exceptions for certain churches.
  • Provide food to the ill, needy or children under 18 years of age. Organization must have a currently existing food program in operation for a minimum of three months before applying.
  • Have adequate dry, cooler, and freezer storage to insure wholesomeness of food until used or redistributed.
  • Be willing to implement the Food Bank’s Oasis Insight client database with support from Food Bank staff within the first 90 days of partnership and continue to use the database to track clients served. Learn more by watching the Oasis Insight video.

If you are interested in applying to our Food To Nonprofits Program, please complete and return the New Agency Inquiry Form. This form will then be reviewed by the Food Bank’s Nonprofit Relations Department. If your organization seems to fit the mission of the Food Bank, you will be sent an application packet.

Click here to download the New Agency Inquiry Form.

After the Food Bank has received your complete application packet, we will make an appointment to visit your agency. The purpose of the site visit is to confirm the program information you have provided, inspect the food storage/food prep areas, and explain our ordering procedures. Pending a successful site visit, your account will be set up, and you will be invited to attend our mandatory agency orientation training session.

Need More Information?

For questions about becoming a member, download our Membership FAQs document or contact Alison Erze toll free at 1-866-350-FOOD (3663) or by email