Morena Storage Collects Enough Holiday Food Drive Donations to Fill a Large Storage Unit!
January 30, 2019
As most of us know, the holiday season is commonly known as the "Season of Giving" and for a good reason. Between the holiday cheer and the desire to bring joy to the lives of those in need, it is the perfect time for members of the community to make the extra effort to give back, and the team at Morena Storage and US Storage Centers is no exception.[caption id="attachment_15511" align="alignright" width="388"]

Morena Storage's holiday food collection resulted in more than 1,000 pounds of food! Pictured are the property managers, Pamela and David.[/caption]Morena Storage, with the generous support of their customers, collected enough food during their holiday food drive to fill one of their 5x5 storage units, which measures 25 sq. ft., resulting in more than 1,000 pounds of food! Among the food collected were cases of canned green beans, boxes of macaroni and cheese, and cans of soup. For Morena Storage and US Storage Centers, helping local families in need is second nature.
"We have always put our customers first in everything we do and it's no different with our community. Partnering with the San Diego Food Bank is our way of putting our community first," said Jason Lopez, Chief Marketing Officer for US Storage Centers.
The San Diego Food Bank along with our North County Food Bank chapter had nearly 1,300 community food drives registered during the holiday food drive season, which spans from October 15 to January 15.Every single donation placed inside one of our famous red food drive barrels is delivered to our warehouse at the end of each community food drive, where it is carefully inspected by our volunteers. Once the food has been inspected and sorted, it is immediately sent back out through our nonprofit partner network to provide nourishment to those who face food insecurity throughout San Diego communities.
"The San Diego Food Bank, along with our North County Food Bank chapter, relies heavily on the support of our generous community partners to provide food assistance to 350,000 San Diegans every single month.", said President & CEO, James Floros. "Our mission is rooted in the idea of community. From jars of peanut butter, to canned meats, vegetables or fruit, every single donation gives hope to those in need."
If you or your place of work is interested in hosting a food drive to help keep our shelves stocked throughout the year, CLICK HERE to register.Thank you to Morena Storage, US Storage Centers and the thousands of businesses, community organizations, and school groups who hosted a food drive this holiday season! Because of your efforts, local families who may be facing financial hardship have a reliable food source to turn to in their times of need. Together, we are fighting hunger and feeding hope!