Assemblymember Brian Maienschein Hosts Blood and Food Drive in Support of Local Nonprofits Ahead of the Holiday Season
October 19, 2023
Friday the 13th has a reputation for being considered a day of unfortunate luck, but not for the San Diego Food Bank and the San Diego Blood Bank. We teamed up earlier this month on Friday, October 13 to collect blood and food donations with the support of longtime Food Bank friend and hunger-relief advocate, Assemblymember Brian Maienschein.
Members of the local community were invited to visit the San Diego Blood Bank’s Escondido donor center, where team members from both nonprofits set up donation bins and tables to educate our local community about the importance of donating both food and blood. One by one, donors trickled into the blood donation center to take action by donating blood and food to help those in need.San Diego Food Bank CEO Casey Castillo spoke to donors about the food and resources that the Food Bank provides and the positive impact that donations to both organizations can make on our community.

Both Castillo and Maienschein expressed their admiration and respect for those donating blood and food during their conversation regarding community, nourishing families facing food insecurity, and the importance of providing clean and safe blood for all those in need.
Castillo showed his support for the mission of the San Diego Blood Bank by donating blood that morning. There was no better place for Castillo to make his first blood donation than this shared event with the San Diego Blood Bank.Blood and food are essential for our community to prosper in times of need. Our red food drive bins filled up quickly with donations of shelf-stable food, which will help the Food Bank feed local families in need.
Thank you to Assemblymember Brian Maienschein and the San Diego Blood Bank for being steadfast partners of ours and making our Friday the 13th a lucky one!If you missed your opportunity to donate during this event, you can still make a difference in your local community by making an appointment to donate blood to the San Diego Blood Bank or by donating food to the San Diego Food Bank today!