CalFresh Emergency Allotments Ending
February 3, 2023
Since March 2020, CalFresh-eligible households have been receiving CalFresh Emergency Allotments on a monthly basis. The CalFresh Emergency Allotment was approved during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency through the federal nutrition program called SNAP (previously known as Food Stamps and now called CalFresh in the State of California).
The CalFresh Emergency Allotment was a temporary increase to regular CalFresh benefit amounts. Through the CalFresh Emergency Allotment, households received the maximum benefit for their household size, and for households that were already receiving the maximum benefit, they were guaranteed at least an additional $95 in Emergency Allotment benefits. These benefits were crucial to families facing food insecurity, especially after the virus shutdowns.
With the CalFresh Emergency Allotment, food-insecure households were able to have more access to nutritious food, decreasing food insecurity.With the ending of the federal public health emergency, Emergency CalFresh Allotments will end in February 2023 resulting in CalFresh families receiving a final issuance of enhanced benefits in March 2023.

By April 2023, all CalFresh recipient households will return to their regular benefit amounts for the duration of their eligibility for the program.
Regular benefits depend on a household's unique circumstances, including household size, income, and deductions. Some households' benefits will be reduced by as much as $258, from an emergency allotment of $281 per month to a regular allotment of $23 per month. Many of those facing reduced benefits will be seniors living at or near the poverty level.
The majority of CalFresh households will not face reduced benefits until April 2023. To maximize benefits, it is important that recipient households report changes of income or expenses such as increased rent, mortgage, property taxes, medical expenses, and childcare expenses. CalFresh recipients can contact the County of San Diego Family Resource Centers at (866) 262-9881 to report any changes to their income or expenses.The Food Bank has food assistance programs operating throughout San Diego County. Those in need of food assistance are encouraged to use the Food Bank's online Food Locator Map: For additional resources, call 2-1-1, the county's social services resource hotline.
Want more information about the CalFresh emergency allotments ending? Learn more
Help the San Diego Food Bank fill the gap for CalFresh recipients by donating today. Every dollar you give helps us provide two nutritious meals to those in need.